What are the key value drivers for your green investment in solar energy? Do you get the maximum out of it? Are you convinced that you have control over your installation?

MaxSolarControl helps you the get the most and the best control over your installations. The extra performance has the highest yield.
Our approach is easy as effective. Our quick scan analyses and compares your performancedata what one could aspect. Bottlenecks are indentified, further analyzed and propositions defined.

Our fee is quite clear. Remumeration is solely based on the yearly income gained by the proposition as implemented, ranging from 7% til 18%. The renumeration can be paid yearly or in one paytime at netpresent value.
E.g. suppose the quick scans shows an upward potential of 2,5% of a 3 MWp installation (1000 kwh/kwp). On a yearly basis the extra income are: 3 MWh * 2,5% * 30 ct/kwh (supposed), makesĀ  22,500 euro per year.
The yearly fee is then 2.250 euro based on a 10% commission fee.